A Library for the AVR ATmega328 and ATmega2560 Microcontrollers
AVRTools: A Library for the AVR ATmega328 and ATmega2560 Microcontrollers


This library provides an Arduino-like, simple-to-use interface to the AVR ATmega328 and ATmega2560 microcontrollers without the bloat and slowness of the official Arduino libraries.

AVRTools is an attempt to provide the convenience of the Ardiuno library interface while embracing the fundamental C/C++ philosophy of "you don't pay for what you don't use" and "assume the programmer knows what he or she is doing."

Like the Arduino libraries, AVRTools allows you to refer to pins on an Arduino via simple names such as pPin07 for digital pin 7 or pPinA03 for analog pin 3. However, unlike the Arduino libraries, these names are pure macros so that setGpioPinHigh( pPin12 ) always translates directly into PORTB |= (1<<PORTB4) on an Arduino Uno. Similar macros are available for conveniently naming any pin on an ATmega328 or ATmega2560, providing easy and efficient access to all the functionality available on that pin (digital I/O, analog-to-digital conversion, PWM, etc). In combination with these pin name macros, AVRTools provides functions to access the major subsystems and functionality of the ATmega328 and ATmega2560 microcontrollers.

On the other hand, because "you don't pay for what you don't use," when using AVRTools nothing is initialized or configured unless you explicitly do it. If you need analog inputs, then you must explicitly initialize the analog-to-digital subsystem before reading any analog pins. If you need an Arduino-style system clock (for functions like delay() or millis()), then you must explicitly start a system clock. AVRTools provides functions to do any necessary initialization, but the programmer must explicitly call these function to perform the initialization.

Similarly, because AVRTools "assumes the programmer knows what he or she is doing," it doesn't conduct a lot of checks to ensure you don't do something stupid. For example, when you set the output value of a digital pin using the Arduino library function digitalWrite(), it checks if that pin is currently configured for PWM and if it is, it automatically turns off PWM-mode before writing to the pin. The equivalent of digitalWrite() in the AVRTools library, writeGpioPinDigital() doesn't do that: it assumes that if the programmer previously used the pin in PWM mode that he or she remembered to turn off PWM mode before using the pin digitally. Assuming the programmer knows what he or she is doing allows the functions in AVRTools to be much faster than their Arduino library counterparts. For example, a call to the Arduino function digitalWrite() takes about 70 cycles; a call to the equivalent AVRTools function writeGpioPinDigital() takes 2 cycles (it's actually a macro in AVRTools that the compiler translates to a single, 2-cycle assembler instruction).


If you are an Arduino programmer, you may want to try AVRTools if:

If you are an ATmega328 or ATmega2560 microcontroller programmer, you may want to try AVRTools if:

#define MY_PIN_NBR 7
/* Put MY_PIN in output mode and set it high */

If you fit into either category, then you should read further.

AVRTools is not...

AVRTools is not a general purpose AVR programming library. I use the Arduino Uno and the Arduino Mega in my projects, and I wrote AVRTools to support these specific needs. There is conditional code throughout the implementation that is tailored to the ATmega328 and ATmega2560 microcontrollers. Additional conditional code could be added to create corresponding implementations for other AVR processors in the AT-family, but I haven't done it. Furthermore, the code is written for (and works with) microcontrollers running at either 8 MHz, 12 MHz, or 16 MHz (the code automatically adapts to these three clock speeds). I have not tested any other clock speeds, and some of the delay functions are specifically coded for 8 MHz, 12 MHz, and 16 MHz and will not work (as written) at other clock speeds.

Finally, the AVRTools interface is designed to meet my needs and coding style. That means the interfaces are designed in ways which may not reflect your usage. A particular example of this is the I2C module, which is designed to support the I2C idioms I use in my projects and is significantly different from the I2C interface offered by the Arduino libraries.

AVRTools is a C++ library. People may say that it is crazy to use C++ to program a microcontroller because C++ adds bloat and overhead, because behind your back the C++ compiler adds lots of code to make unnecessary copies, manage heap objects, handle exceptions, etc. C++, much like C, is a language that rewards programmers who know what they are doing and punishes those who don't. One can use C++ because it is a "better C" and use C++ features without incurring performance penalties or code bloat. For example, AVRTools uses namespaces to compartmentalize functionality into logical units and avoid name clashes; AVRTools also uses classes in a few cases where objects provide the most natural and convenient implementation of a capability (for example, certain advanced output classes such as USART0 or I2cLcd; note that AVRTools also provides a minimalistic USART interface using functions instead of classes, because different needs call for different tools).

Quick Tour of AVRTools

This section provides an overview of how AVRTools works, starting with the foundational elements and then summarizing the modules that provide interfaces into the major hardware subsystems of the ATmega328 and ATmega2560 microcontrollers.

Foundational Elements and Concepts

The foundation of the AVRTools library consists of a collection of macros that enable you to refer to "pins" on the chips using a single name that can be used to switch input/output mode, read, or write a pin. This single name provides access, as appropriate, to the DDRx, PORTx, PINx registers and also the specific pin number. For pins that support analog-to-digital conversion, the single name also provides access the analog channel associated with the pin. For pins that support PWM, the single name also provides access to the control and compare registers and bits needed to configure and control the PWM functionality of that pin.

This is all done via preprocessor macros, both for the single pin name mechanism and for the "functions" that make use of that single pin name. This means that access to any pin-related functionality is as fast as possible, designed specifically so that the avr-gcc compiler will emit simple 1- or 2-cycle in, out, sbi, cbi, sbic, or sbis instructions for such operations whenever possible. However, the complex internal representation of the macros means that the pin names are strictly constant and can only be passed to the specialized macro-functions designed to manipulate them. Although they may look and feel like simple constants, pin names cannot be assigned to variables, or passed to ordinary C/C++ functions (however, see the GPIO Pin Variables section in the Advanced Features section for a way to create and use variables for the GPIO pins). The AVRTools library does include macro-functions to extract any of the components related to a pin name so that users can access and manipulate the individual components as needed.

What you need to know about pin name macros

To access the pin names of the Arduino Uno or Mega, you only need to include the file "ArduinoPins.h". It will automatically detect whether you are compiling for Uno or Mega and it will correspondingly define the macros pPinNN (NN = 00 to 13 for Arduino Uno, NN = 00 to 53 for Mega) for digital ports and macros pPinAnn (nn = 00 to 07 for Uno, nn = 00 to 15 for Mega) for the analog ports. These correspond directly to the labeled pins on the Arduino boards. You can use these pin names to define your own macros:

#define THE_RED_LED pPin12 // Red LED on Arduino pin 12
#define THE_GRN_LED pPin11 // Green LED on Arduino pin 11
#define POTENTIOMETER pPinA03 // Potentiometer on Arduino pin A3

While you cannot assign these to pin names to variables or pass them to ordinary functions, AVRTools provides a large collection of macro-functions to operate on the pin names. These include:

Most of these macros are automatically defined when you include "ArduinoPins.h", although to define the last two you need to include "Analog2Digital.h" and "Pwm.h" (respectively). These macros allow you to write code such as:

// Assuming everything has been initialized properly before this point
setGpioPinModeOutput( THE_RED_LED );
setGpioPinLow( THE_RED_LED );
setGpioPinModeOutput( THE_GRN_LED );
setGpioPinLow( THE_GRN_LED );
if ( readGpioPinAnalog( POTENTIOMETER ) < 100 )
setGpioPinHigh( THE_RED_LED );
setGpioPinHigh( THE_GRN_LED );

If you are working directly with an AVR ATmega328 or ATmega2560, you can define pin macros yourself by including "GpioPinMacros.h" (this file is automatically included for you when you include "ArduinoPins.h" if you are working on Arduinos) and using one of three pin naming macros:

So for example, pin 11 on the Arduino Uno, which corresponds to ATmega328 pin B3 which is PWM capable using OC2A, would be defined as follows:

#define pPin11 GpioPinPwm( B, 3, 2, A )

The core modules

In addition to the macro-based pin naming and access system discussed above, there are seven additional elements that make up the core of AVRTools and provide access to basic functional elements of the ATmega328 and ATmega2560 microcontrollers. Together, these provide an Arduino-like interface to the microcontroller features. Five of the seven modules directly interface to microcontroller capabilities:

Two of the seven modules supplement the C++ implementation provided by the avr-gcc toolset:

Brief descriptions of these modules follow.

System initialization module

This module provides a single function that puts the microcontroller in a clean, known state. To use it include the header file InitSystem.h and link against InitSystem.cpp. These files provides a single function:

void initSystem();

The initSystem() function clears any bootloader settings, clears all timers, and turns on interrupts. This should be the first function your code calls at start up.

System clock module

This module provides a system clock functionality using Timer0 similar to that in the Arduino library. To employ this functionality include the header file SystemClock.h and link against SystemClock.cpp. Some of key functions provided by this module include:

unsigned long millis();
void delayMilliseconds( unsigned long ms );

Note that unlike the Arduino libary, you must explicitly initialize the clock functionality by calling initSystemClock(). This module also provides additional functions providing a richer interface to the system clock.

Analog-to-Digital module

This module provides access to the analog read capabilities of the ATmega328 and ATmega2560. To employ this functionality include the header file Analog2Digital.h and link against Analog2Digital.cpp. The principle functions provided by this module include:

void initA2D();
void turnOffA2D();
readGpioPinAnalog( pinName ); /* implemented as a macro */

You must initialize the analog-to-digital subsystem by calling initA2D() before attempting to read any analog pins.

PWM module

This module provides access to the PWM features available on certain ATmega328 and ATmega2560 pins. To employ this functionality include the header file Pwm.h and link against Pwm.cpp. The principle functions provided by this module include (among others):

void clearTimer1();
void clearTimer2();
writeGpioPinPwm( pinName, value ); /* implemented as a macro */

Depending on which pins you wish to employ in PWM mode, you should initialize the appropriate timers by calling the appropriate initPwmTimerN() function (where N is the appropriate timer number) before writing to the pin in PWM mode. This module also includes additional functions to access the extended PWM capabilities of the ATmega2560. The philosophical difference between the standard Arduino library and AVRTools is evident in this module: none of these function try to deduce which timers need to be turned on for any given pin, because that would require adding extra code and look-up tables. Instead AVRTools assumes the programmer will check the appropriate references to determine which timers correspond to the pins they want to use in PWM mode, and will use that knowledge to initialize the appropriate timers. For convenience, tables of PWM-capable pins and corresponding timers are included in the Pwm.h documentation.

Minimal USART modules

These modules provide basic functionality for reading and writing from the USARTs available on the ATmega328 and ATmega2560. To employ the USART0 functionality, you must include the header file USART0Minimal.h and link against the file USART0Minimal.cpp. The principle functions for accessing the USARTs are:

void initUSART0( unsigned long baudRate );
void transmitUSART0( unsigned char data );
void transmitUSART0( const char* data );
unsigned char receiveUSART0();

To make use of the USART0 capability, first call initUSART0() to initialize the USART. Then you can use transmitUSART0() and receiveUSART0() functions to communicate on USART0. When you are done with USART0 and want to use pins 0 and 1 for other purposes, call releaseUSART0(). Similar functions are provided to access the other three USARTs available on the ATmega2560; simply include USARTnMinimal.h and link against the file USARTnMinimal.cpp, where n = 1, 2, or 3. If you want more advanced serial capabilities, checkout the class Serial0 in USART0.h.

ABI module

You only need this module if building your code produces link errors regarding missing symbols with strange names like __cxa_XXX (where XXX is some unusual string). In that case, simply link your code against abi.cpp. These are symbols related to the way the avr-gcc C++ compiler implements abstract virtual functions.

New module

This module implements operator new and operator delete. You only need this if you use new and delete to manage objects on the heap. Link against new.cpp to make use of these operators. AVRTools itself does not make any use of heap objects or operators new or delete.

Sample start up code using AVRTools

You can use AVRTools to create an environment that is very similar to the standard Arduino environment. The following sample code illustrates how to do this. The sample code reads a potentiometer and sets both a digital pin and a PWM pin based on the value of the potentiometer.

#include "AVRTools/Pwm.h"
#define pPot pPinA01
#define pPwmLed pPin11
#define pLed pPin04
int main()
while ( 1 )
int i = readGpioPinAnalog( pPot ) / 4;
writeGpioPinPwm( pPwmLed, i );
if ( i > 127 )
setGpioPinHigh( pLed );
setGpioPinLow( pLed );

Advanced modules

AVRTools also includes modules that provide access to more complex microcontroller capabilities and provide advanced services. These include modules for I2C communication (both master and slave mode), a module for SPI communications, a module for more advanced serial input and output (including conversion of various numerical types and strings), a module for temporarily suppressing selected interrupts, a module for driving an LCD display via I2C, a module for reporting memory utilization, a module for very precise delays, and a module for manipulating GPIO pins as actual variables. Information on these modules can be found in the Advanced Features sections of the documentation.


Detailed documentation is provided by this PDF document located in the repository, or online in HTML form.


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