A Library for the AVR ATmega328 and ATmega2560 Microcontrollers
AVRTools Directory Reference


file  abi.h [code]
 This file provides certain functions needed to complete the avr-gcc C++ ABI. You never need to include this file, and you only need to link against abi.cpp if you encounter certain link errors.
file  Analog2Digital.h [code]
 This file provides functions that access the analog-to-digital conversion capability of the ATmega328 and ATmega2560 microcontrollers.
file  ArduinoMegaPins.h [code]
 This file defines the standard Arduino Uno pin name macros. It may be included directly by user code, although more commonly user code includes the file ArduinoPins.h, which in turn includes this file (when compiling for Arduino Uno targets).
file  ArduinoPins.h [code]
 This file is the primary one that users should include to access and use the pin name macros.
file  ArduinoUnoPins.h [code]
 This file defines the standard Arduino Uno pin name macros. It may be included directly by user code, although more commonly user code includes the file ArduinoPins.h, which in turn includes this file (when compiling for Arduino Uno targets).
file  GpioPinMacros.h [code]
 This file contains the primary macros for naming and manipulating GPIO pin names.
file  I2cLcd.h [code]
 This file defines a class that provides a high-level interface to an LCD offering an I2C interface. The most common variant of this is HD44780U controlled LCD driven via an MCP23017 that offers an I2C interface (such LCDs are available from Adafruit and SparkFun). To use this class you must also use and properly initialize the I2C Master package from I2cMaster.h.
file  I2cMaster.h [code]
 This file provides functions that interface to the TWI (two-wire serial interface) hardware of the Arduino Uno (ATmega328) and Arduino Mega (ATmega2560), providing a high-level interface to I2C protocol communications. Include this file if you want your application will operate in Master mode as defined in the I2C protocol.
file  I2cSlave.h [code]
 This file provides functions that interface to the TWI (two-wire serial interface) hardware of the Arduino Uno (ATmega328) and Arduino Mega (ATmega2560), providing a high-level interface to I2C protocol communications. Include this file if you want your application will operate in Slave mode as defined in the I2C protocol.
file  InitSystem.h [code]
 Include this file to use the functions that initialize the microcontroller to a known, basic state.
file  InterruptUtils.h [code]
 This file provides utilities for temporarily disabling (suppressing) interrupts of various kinds in a block of code. It uses the C++ RAII paradigm to ensure interrupt state is restored automatically when the block of code is exited. While all interrupts can be suppressed, tools are provided that allow more selective control of which interrupts are suppressed.
file  MemUtils.h [code]
 This file provides functions that provide information on the available memory in SRAM.
file  new.h [code]
 This file provides operator new and operator delete. You only need this file if you use new and delete to manage objects on the heap.
file  Pwm.h [code]
 This file provides functions that access the PWM capability of the ATmega328 and ATmega2560 microcontrollers.
file  Reader.h [code]
 This file provides a generic interface to incoming data streams of any kind. It is designed around how serial streams are generally used, but can be used with any system that provides a sequential input of bytes that can be interpreted as strings and/or numbers.
file  RingBuffer.h [code]
 This file provides an efficient ring buffer implementation for storing bytes.
file  RingBufferT.h [code]
 This file provides a very flexible, template-based ring buffer implementation.
file  SimpleDelays.h [code]
 This file provides simple delay functions that do not involve timers or interrupts. These functions simply execute a series of nested loops with known and precise timing.
file  SPI.h [code]
 This file provides an interface to SPI subsystem available on the AVR ATMega328p (Arduino Uno) and ATMega2560 (Arduino Mega) microcontrollers.
file  SystemClock.h [code]
 Include this file to use the functions that instantiate and access a system clock that counts elapsed milliseconds.
file  USART0.h [code]
 This file provides functions that offer high-level interfaces to USART0 hardware, which is available on the Arduino Uno (ATmega328) and Arduino Mega (ATmega2560).
file  USART0Minimal.h [code]
 This file provides functions that provide a minimalist interface to USART0 available on the Arduino Uno (ATmega328) and Arduino Mega (ATmega2560).
file  USART1.h [code]
 This file provides functions that offer high-level interfaces to USART1 hardware, which is available on Arduino Mega (ATMega2560).
file  USART1Minimal.h [code]
 This file provides functions that provide a minimalist interface to USART1 available on the Arduino Mega (ATmega2560).
file  USART2.h [code]
 This file provides functions that offer high-level interfaces to USART2 hardware, which is available on Arduino Mega (ATMega2560).
file  USART2Minimal.h [code]
 This file provides functions that provide a minimalist interface to USART2 available on the Arduino Mega (ATmega2560).
file  USART3.h [code]
 This file provides functions that offer high-level interfaces to USART3 hardware, which is available on Arduino Mega (ATMega2560).
file  USART3Minimal.h [code]
 This file provides functions that provide a minimalist interface to USART3 available on the Arduino Mega (ATmega2560).
file  Writer.h [code]
 This file provides a generic interface to outgoing data streams of any kind. It is designed around how serial streams are generally used, but can be used with any system that requires converting strings and/or numbers into a sequential output of bytes.